Private Pilot Tools

Below is a detailed list of everything you should expect to purchase while training to become a pilot.

Item Cost (USD)
*PHAK (pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge (2003 preferred) 20-30
*AFH (Airplane Flying Handbook, 2006) 20-30
Miami SEC (Sectional Chart) 5-10
Miami TAC (Terminal Area Chart) 5-10
*Gleim Private Pilot FAA knowledge test book 15-25
Headsets (ensure they're not for helicopters) 100+
-----Logbook 20+
-----E-6B Flight Computer 20+
*VFMH (Visual Flight Maneuvers Handbook, blue=high wing, red=low wing) 20
-----Navigation Plotter (rotatable version preferred) 10+
Foggles or view limiting device 15-25
FAR/AIM (Regulations / Information Manual, must be up to date) 10-20
AFD (Airport Facility Directory, must be up to date) 5-10
-----POH/AFM (Pilots Operating Handbook/Airplane Flight Manual) 20-70
*-----PTS (Practical Test Standards, Private) 5-15
Private Pilot Oral Exam Guide 5-15
Checklist (for the make/model of airplane) 10-25
Medical Exam from an approved AME 60-100
-----meant it is included in the "Cleared for Takeoff" Private Pilot kit-----
* Means it is not required, but highly recommended

I recommend websites such as or for purchasing books such as the PHAK, AFH, and Gleim's knowledge test book.

The written test- To become a private pilot, there is one-(60)question test written test that will
cost $100. This is a flat fee for every laser-grade test. The nearest laser grade testing computer is at Airborne Systems

The Checkride-Once a student meets the requirements for a license, the instructor can recommend the student for a
"Checkride" with an examiner. The going rate for an examiner is a flat fee of $500. In the event of a
failed checkride, the restest fee for most examiners is $250. (Keep in mind, for a checkride, you
also need to rent an airplane). I recommend reserving a generous $1000 for the checkride.

The average rate for a pilot certificate is between $7,500 and $12,500 depending
on school rates, aircraft, and pilot capabilities. This is not a guaranteed Price Range. I estimate it will cost you $6,500.

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